A show set to make waves this year is LaMB, Animax Asia's first original animation production. It is based on the script by Filipino viewer Carmelo Juinio, winner of the Animax Awards 2007 script-writing competition. The story follows protagonists Eve and Jack’s struggle against planet Cerra’s system of imprisonment, ‘Lamination’ where criminals, called ‘LaMBs’, are kept in laminated suits to remain productive, but not free members of society.
Animax Asia is heavily promoting the ground-breaking animated series, and as part of its publicity blitz, they're holding a contest where you can win stuff from Simple Plan, which will be providing music for the soundtrack of LaMB. Join now and get a chance to bag this cool prize!
Five Grand Prize winners will each receive a set of Simple Plan T-shirt, autographed poster and CD
1. You must have a Yahoo Answers ID in order to join.
2. Answer a simple question about LaMB in Yahoo! Answers and send in your full name, Yahoo Answers ID, contact numbers and email address to contests@animax-asia.com.
3. Each person can only register and submit once per day per unique email address.
31 January 2009
[Image credit: Animax-lamb.com]
Thursday, January 29, 2009
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